Aprotinin | Aniara Diagnostica | About Us
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About Us

Aniara Diagnostica distributes diagnostic and research reagents to assist in shaping the future with innovative solutions. Our products include 5-Diagnostics is focused on bringing innovation to the diagnostic technician and scientist by sourcing and manufacturing the best research products worldwide.

Our variety of Manufacturers allows us to reach to many different fields to expand knowledge and growth for our communities.

Our Sales team provides a direct line of support in the research and technical assistance for each product.

Catherine Sandon
Sales (West USA)
Phone: (513) 770-1961
Fax: (513) 573-9241
Toll Free: 866-783-3797
Cell Phone: (513) 773-8786

Janey Atkinson
Sales (Northeast USA, Mexico, South & Central America)
Phone: (513) 342-1793
Fax: (513) 573-9241
Toll Free: 866-783-3797
Cell Phone: (704) 609-5028

Maria Waldron
Sales (Canada)
Phone: (513) 342-3018
Fax: (513) 573-9241
Toll Free: 866-783-3797
Cell Phone: (905) 484-0686

Maria Notini
Senior Technical Advisor
Phone: (513) 342-5182
Fax: (513) 573-9241
Toll Free: 866-783-3797
Cell Phone: (513) 883-9554